Nexuiz steam chart
Nexuiz steam chart

Here's a World Clock that will display the time for London, San Francisco, New York and Adelaide all at the same time.Ĭlick here to see if the Steam Store is really, really down for everyone else, and not just you. Mad props to ZombiePie for his mention of this thread on his regularly sexy regular Community Spotlight. I will endeavour to get both UK and US prices, deal variations and time zones displayed on here c0l0nelp0c0rn1 has gone and created this fine and dandy thread, check it out if you wanna. Just bear with me for a few hours whilst I gather up that delicous information, and spit it up all over your internet screens. For example, I'll try and run comparisons against Amazon and GOG to see if Steam really is the best deal for you. I'll be adding sexy graphs and awesome guides and harrowing images and extra links and shit, to try and help you narrow down when and where the best place to pick up a new game is.

nexuiz steam chart

As to why you and me are in this funky thread? Well, the plan is that I'm gonna do a whole heap of work for you, and make it even easier for yous guys to spend that damn money! I'll be keeping a list (and checking it thrice) of all the stuff that goes down around the ole' Summer campfire this year, taking note of prices, expiration dates and suchlike so you can hopefully see when might be the best time to jump on that latest deal. Yo, it's here for this year! Those lovely lads and lasses at Valve Corporation have dropped their yearly Summer Sale.

Nexuiz steam chart